This Week in SSG: Versus

So last week some of you noticed I didn’t post a blog… Actually none of you did. Hmmm. This week you might notice that I don’t have any screenshots… actually you probably won’t notice that either. Never mind, here is what happend…

Monday Knight Halo: Many of us jump into games together so that we can team up against the onslaught of prepubescent mongrels. This is pretty typical. However, sometimes we don’t even want to face the riff-raff and would rather play with just our fellow knights. That’s just what we did in the TU Beta hopper this week. Let me just say, having Kistov AND nzapters on the same team is cheating. The Kiwi Connection, as I have some to call them, are lethal enough on their own. Putting them on the same side is a kind of demoralizing slaughter that Grunts must feel hopping off a Phantom on easy mode.

Eventually the gang went back to proper matchmaking against some internet randoms. However, the blood lust did not cease. I’m not sure if there were some hidden grudges, or if wrath transcends all sense of color and team descriptors, but  some knights went on some betrayal sprees. This was all in good fun mind you, which was picked up on by the other team… who proceeded to assist in that fratricide. While this isn’t typical behavior for knights, everyone involved was having a good time. No harm no foul.

Wednesday Knight Warfare: Final Session: So what better why to celebrate the passing of a game than to mortar, napalm, and grenade your teammates? Wait what? That’s right, the team killing didn’t stop at Halo. You know the thing with a fast paced game like Black Ops is you have to keep your head on a swivel. Not every single person darting around a corner is your enemy. As I discovered multiple times as BIGG NATE responded to my calls for help… only to be shot in the face by my M4. Indirect fire weapons are a dangerous tool as SSG Jettstream learned as I, once again, failed to see where my teammate was and burned him alive with super hot napalm. Napalm sticks to kids… and Canadians. Finally, after having given up on killstreaks I decided to use my ‘nades… much to MadMike’s displeasure. You see, when you throw a grenade you should be sure that your partner isn’t about to run into the same corridor that you just chucked frag down…

Thursday Knight Horde: They say dying is a part of life. I say dying is a part of dying. SteelValor, SSG Gideon and Apoc came with me into some new maps for Horde mode. I had gotten used to SSG CodeMonkey’s awesome mutators and  figured I could just run up and slaughter what ever I wanted as Big Rig Dizzy. Well I was wrong, but I took everyone with me. Anytime Steel, Apoc, or Gideon attempted to save my sorry butt they ended up dying a terrible death. So you don’t always have to be the one to pull the trigger to get a team kill…

Other Big News: We have more knights included in our family. SSG Gideon was made official this week and we all are super excited that he has joined our ranks. I didn’t get a chance to mention SteelValor in a blog so I’ll do so now and congratulate him as well. I hope you like your new armor. Remember it chaffs