The Power Of The Good Game Network
In the past few weeks leading up to Halo: Reach TTL has used some of their clout to to spread propaganda about the GGN to the unaware gamers of the Halo Nation. This propaganda is spread via the Tied The Leader Blog and is then sometimes fortunate to use the catalyst to propagate the message even further. Due to this latest wave of propaganda a fresh new class of recruits has come to TTL and the GGN looking for the ‘Good Game’. Last night delegates from across the GGN formed a unified party to show these recruits what it’s like to be a GGNer: Teamwork, communication, and selflessness. It was a rotating party of 17 gamers that adjusted on-the-fly to changing of party size, match making downtime, custom games, and special requests. Feats that have the potential to stress-out a common group of Xbox LIVE gamers but not a single complaint was uttered this night.
I would like to share with you the people that make this night such a enormous success:
The Recruits: JonOfTheD3ad – DeadEye8407 – oX Cold Fire Xo – Aelius – AmonOmega – Frogwart – Spartadre217
SSG: VoltRabbit – xCassiox – SSG TomaZero – SSG Burrito – SSG Jettstream – SSG CodeMonkey – DarkStrobeLight – SSG Jayman
SoF: Apollo Running – CrazedOne1988
TTL: TTL Eisen
CdG: Viktim Viktor
If I missed anyone I sorry!!!
Now I will take you all on a journey back to that night and show you some of the finer or funnier parts of “combat”.
Aelius & SSG TomaZero take the Falcon out for some Territories defense.
AmonOmega and Cassio are successful is bring a flag back to base.
JonOfTheD3ad brings us another flag to add to our total.
VoltRabbit is on his way to the top of the Spire.
VoltRabbit, JonOfTheD3ad, and DeadEye8407 have the Warthog on the offensve.
And now for the Mongoose Showdown! With the newly revived ‘Race’ gameplay mode from Halo: CE now in Halo: Reach we had the perfect opportunity to them out when Match making went down.
As I stated above ‘Good Games’ were had and if you see anyone of these people online, please invite them to your party. They are always welcome in mine.
– SSG Jayman