SSG Recruits
Greetings all readers! I felt like after so many articles being on topics like MKH, and new Knights a new type of article needed to be typed up and brought forth to the blog. I recently came out of being an apprentice and had spent a total of two months (on the dot) being there. I so am one of those knights who recently been through the process of being a apprentice in a room full of knights.
It can be a tiring time filled with wanting to impress those same Knights into wanting to allow you into the castle. It’s tough I will not downplay that at all. Many man hours and lost hours of sleep come with the job but the benefits make it worth while. I feel other apprentices agree with me when I say being an apprentice is a tough job. So I felt like highlighting every last apprentice we currently have active in their quest.
Just to list off the names:
Ergonomic Cat
TKO Valiant V5
Azazel Dracos
Wow! Long list but that should excite anyone to see how many people are at the door to the castle making their way through the hearts and minds of those who walked that path before them. It is truly epic and I give a loud round of applause to them. Each of them I am sure I played with had my laughter with and perhaps even was assisted by them or I assisting them for that game winning kill. I like to see those who came here after me just enjoying themselves with the crowd. At least I hope we aren’t scaring you.
Some highlighting I like to do is looking at some of the amazing accomplishments of the players in our group of apprentices. Shadowstep for one wrote up this well detailed list of how to smoothly rank up and not faultier. I am sure we have members across the board that have read those famous words and practices the ways you preach. Raptzors made a map with a friend and still found time to make it to the top 10 sniper sprees. I believe many of us have watched that video. I remember jonofthed3ad murdering people with a tank a few weeks back. Spartan has set up a few events that I myself have been apart of. I mean just look at his post amount. That’s crazy!
I just wanted to point out a few things but not to downplay any of the other players. I have played with most and really enjoyed my experiences. Sometimes having great times and others not so great but overall good people.
Something I want to pass on to this class of apprentices is that entering into SSG is an accomplishment based on character. I am sure some clans out there just care about skill not quality of person but SSG is a quality type of clan and I and many others are proud to apart of it. (Pretty sure all knights are very proud but that’s goes without saying) We want you to have fun, follow the code of chivalry, make friends, and above all have fun! Yes I said have fun twice and it had a reason. Remember that and I’m sure all of you will have a smooth travel into SSG.
Well until next time I’m logging off. Good luck apprentices!