Mad Season
Its that time again! With Reach around the corner I’d like to introduce to you what I call Mad Season, Almost everyone I know is awaiting the coming storm that is Halo: Reach. With that the stewards at Tied The Leader have introduced a Hardcore Search & Destroy Modern Warfare 2 Double Elimination Tournament.
This week alone we have quite a few challenges going down. With Team Alpha facing off against the H3 Wheelmen’s Helljumper Team in the Tournament, Team Echo versus Outcast Reborn’s Team Valto, And SSG’s The Bearded Clam Chowders VS Team Sikshot. Furthermore we have a 4v4 Halo Challenge Versus Fallen Unity this week and a BTB Challenge VS the H3 Wheelmen later in the month Talk about a full plate! Look Forward to writeups from each challenge match and event that comes down the pipeline its going to be a busy week as we defend the Castle and look towards the Knights to do their best in the tournament and events that come down.
Blame Odin
I end this update with a little something borrowed from call it a blame stosh, but here we blame Odin.