Knights vs Recruits: Season 2

Every once in a while Sword and Shield Gaming has quite a few recruits running around the castle. When this happens we like to host a challenge night with the Knights versus the current recruit roster. This event happened Sept. 1st and if you missed it, you can read up about it all right here.

It was a great turnout for season 2, a total 6 recruits and 15 knights showed up. For the knights it was SSG Mania, Run5k, SSG Thor, SSG Gambit,  Nomally117, SSG Jayman, Aelius, Sir Riasus, SSG Ice Reaper, SSG Spandex, SSG IrighGirl, SSG Kungfu, SSG Syren, SSG Watchtower, and CeruleanGirl.

For the Recruit side we had Gallifrey81, Siaberwockie, Kinectic Knight, Arkonyx, SSG Frogwart, and I Angry Spartan. We did four games with the last having an awesome surprise that we’ll get to at the end of the article.

Game 1

The first game ended up being Standard Team Slayer on Exile. The recruits pushed hard and obtained center map control fairly quickly and the Knights found this was not going to be your average fun mixer within the first minute of the game and things started to get silent. SSG Thor and SSG Gambit took venture into wilds via Tank to regain outer rim map control.

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Once the Recruits were locked into their central position, tides started turning. However Recruits didn’t let the lockdown happen easily. Arkonyx with the Sniper Rifle had great control over how we used vehicles. While the other Recruits went around and tried to get kills. Unfortunately however knights overran the whole game when they got down to brass tacks ending the game at Knights: 60, Recruits:18

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Game 2

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The second game was a great Halo 4 classic, Capture The Flag on Ragnarok. The knights took an early lead with a quick cap and held that lead for quite a while. The recruits made it no easy game however, two captures put the Recruits in the lead. The Recruits knew what they were doing and had a solid gameplan to keep the Knights at bay as they tried to hold the lead for remainder the game, however a huge push by the Knights tied the game.

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There were great moments through this whole game. The Knights decided to make a strong push to tie, and then to eventually take the game by only a few short seconds. This really was a true game to show some of the Recruits skill as a notable mention being Arkonyx attaining more than 30 kills!

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Game 3

Game 3 was the closest of the first 3 games. Taking place on the battlefield of Haven with a 3-round OddBall gametype, it was sure to be a doozy. Round 1 eventually went to the Knights while Round 2 went to the Recruits. It’s easy to see that the Recruits got into a great groove after warming up with a few games first.

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Ending the game by time limit on the third round staying in line with being a close game Knights take home the gold, 490 to 472. Notable mentions of SSG Kungfu for handling the staggering 30 kills, and to Kinetic Knight, with 91 ball held points.

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Game 4

Now, game 4 was a special game. A game of epic proportions some would say. A few of the Recruits that have been with us for a while have ascended to Knighthood, and to make tonight even that much more special and awesome, we decided to announce it right before Game 4. Our very own Arkonyx and Kinetic Knight have become knights, and in traditional Knight vs Recruit fashion, they switched sides for the last game, as well as chose the last gametype and map. Which ended up being a quick fun game of Slayer with Random weapons.

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After the night was said and done we had a great turnout, great surprises, and even a greater time. I would like to thank everyone who was able to make it for making. We couldn’t have done it without you!